FDNY Violation Removal

Fire Extinguisher Inspection Tags NYC

Fire codes in New York are usually pretty strict, and sometimes a home or business owner will receive a FDNY Violation. M&M Fire Extinguishers has over a decade of experience in helping people remove FDNY violations, and we are here to help you if you have received one.

The first step in this process is a court appointed hearing. We strongly advise that you seek legal council to go with you. After the hearing, there’s usually a good chance that the violation will get dismissed, if it does, then there isn’t anything else for the owner to do, the charges which were alleged were not substantiated and as a result the charges and any associated penalties must be dismissed.

If the violation is sustained, however, fines will need to be paid by the owner. The owner will also have to file a certificate of correction, which ensures that the owner will not make the same mistake again. The end result is a dismissal of the violation. Upon removal of a violation, M&M Fire Extinguishers will provide a courtesy walkthrough of your facility to reduce the risk of future violations.

Removing a FDNY violation can be a complicated process, but M&M Fire Extinguishers is here to help you every step of the way! If you think you need help removing an FDNY Violation, please call us today!

Call us today for more information.