Fire Suppression System Near Bull’s Head

Fire Suppression System Inspections: What Richmond County Restaurant Owners Need to Know

Whether you’re looking to have a routine fire extinguisher inspection for your commercial property or you need to have your existing fire sprinkler system inspected, look no further than M&M Fire Extinguishers Sales & Services, Inc. With more than 35 years of experience, Richmond County business owners have been trusting our family-owned and operated company to handle all of their fire suppression equipment needs. From fire sprinkler installation to fire extinguisher service and repairs, you can count on our team of certified technicians to keep your Bull’s Head, NY property safe from one of nature’s most dangerous forces: fire.

Of all the risks that are associated with running a restaurant, fire is high on the list of dangers. As per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fire departments responded to more than 8,200 fires at commercial eateries between 2012 and 2016 – and not all fires are reported to the NFPA. These fires resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in property damages and worse, physical injuries and even death.

Given the high risk of fire and the damage that it can cause, restaurant owners need to make every effort to prevent fires from breaking out in the first place; regularly cleaning cooking equipment, properly training staff, and ensuring that a fire suppression system has been properly installed are just some of the things that you can do to reduce the risk of fire. However, despite your best efforts to prevent the unthinkable, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong and a fire could occur.

While an automatic extinguishing system is one of the best lines of defense, don’t just assume that it’s going be activated if a fire breaks out. Like all safety equipment, a fire suppression system must be inspected and maintained to ensure proper operation. Whether the automatic sprinkler system in your Bull’s Head, NY restaurant was recently installed or it’s been active for years, here’s a look at some of the key things you need to know about inspecting your fire suppression system.

Professional Inspections are Required Twice a Year

As per the fire codes established by the NFPA, the fire suppression systems in commercial kitchens must be inspected by a licensed, trained, and certified technician once every six months. Semi-annual inspections ensure that your system is operating properly; moreover, if any issues exist, a certified technician will be able to spot them and make the necessary repairs.

At M&M Fire Extinguishers & Services, Inc, our trained professionals will perform a comprehensive inspection and conduct extensive testing on every element of your fire extinguishing system, including the following components:

  • Valves
  • Water flow devices
  • Water flow alarms
  • Wet and dry gauges
  • Sprinkler pipes, fittings, and heads
  • Pressurized and non-pressurized tanks

If any issues are detected, we’ll address them immediately by making whatever repairs or replacements are necessary.

Retain Copies of Completed Inspections

Upon the completion of your fire suppression system inspection and once acceptance tests have been approved, you will be provided with documentation that certifies your Richmond County restaurant is complaint with all NFPA codes. Fire extinguisher tags, notes that explain any repairs that were made, and reports that highlight the details of the inspection are among the documents you will receive. Make sure to keep this documentation handy so that you can prove your Bull’s Head business is complaint with fire codes and meets the requirements for insurance policies.

Perform a Self-Inspection on a Monthly Basis

Though semi-annual inspections performed by a certified technician are required, you should inspect your fire suppression system yourself at least once a month. During a self-inspection, make sure to check the following:

  • The sprinkler nozzles; they should be directed toward the proper appliances.
  • The gauges to ensure that they are within operable range (they should be in the green zone).
  • The amount of grease, dirt, and debris buildup in ducts and hoods.
  • The accessibility of the pull station
  • The tamper indicator (it should be undamaged).
  • The date of the last professional inspection on fire extinguisher tags.

If anything looks amiss, record it and contact a reputable fire system inspection company as soon as possible. A certified technician will perform a thorough inspection of your system, address any issues, and make any necessary adjustments and repairs.

Contact a Fire Protection System Specialist Whenever Your System is Activated

Should the fire suppression system in your Bull’s Head, NY restaurant be activated for any reason, contact a reputable fire system company right away. A certified technician will ensure that the system is fully recharged, make any repairs that may be required, and will make sure that your establishment is fully operational so that you can get back to business as usual and continue serving your guests.

Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to override your fire protection system. Doing so could render the system ineffective and leave your restaurant, employees, and patrons vulnerable to the dangers that are associated with fire.

For the Most Thorough Fire Suppression System Inspections in Richmond County, Contact M&M Fire Extinguisher Sales & Services, Inc

As a restaurant owner, making sure your guests have the most enjoyable dining experience possible is your top priority. While great tasting food, friendly service, and a welcoming atmosphere are certainly important components of guest satisfaction, there’s another element that’s more important than the rest: safety. 

Since fire is such a big concern in restaurants, a properly functioning fire suppression system is imperative. By partnering with a reputable Richmond County fire protection company that provides comprehensive inspections, repairs, and maintenance for fire extinguishing equipment, you can have peace of mind knowing that your restaurant will be safe in the event that the unthinkable happens.

To schedule an appointment for a fire suppression system inspection, contact the company that Bull’s Head, NY business owners trust most: M&M Fire Extinguishers Sales & Services, Inc. You can trust our team of trained and certified technicians to keep your fire protection equipment in tip-top condition. Call 631-464-5609 and one of our knowledgeable associates will be happy to assist you.

When it comes to fire, you can’t take any chances. With our team of fire protection experts behind you, you can be sure that your Richmond County establishment will be safe and secure.